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New Books - Recent Haul

Like a few other fellow book worms, I'm trying to use our current lockdown situation to get more reading and writing done, as well as to help promote some titles that may have had events cancelled. With that in mind, I wanted to share with you the books I've recently bought, borrowed, been sent or been gifted as there's a mixed bag of genres so hopefully something that will interest everyone.

Where I can, I've added pre order and buy links (from independent websites such as hive where available)

From publishers …

The Wrong Move by Jennifer Savin

Paperback out 23rd April 2020

The lovely folk at Ebury / Penguin have sent this one to me (watch out for the full review coming next month) but I have already read this one - it's a tense domestic thriller, perfect for fans of Shari Lapena and Ruth Ware.

The Rip by Mark Brandi

If you've followed my blog for a while, you may remember that I reviewed and really enjoyed Mark's debut novel which was called 'Into the River' This second release came out in February from the wonderful Legend Press and has been described as 'one of the year's best urban crime stories' so I'm intrigued.

The Bass Rock by Evie Wyld

I have seen this beautiful book online, being loved by some reviewers whose opinions I admire. The kind folk at Jonathan Cape (an imprint of Penguin) sent me a copy for review, and I'm so excited to get to this - it's set over a few different time periods, based around Scotland and interwoven with some kind of witchy or magical element, what's not to love?

From the author ...

No Safe Place by Craig Dawson

This past month, I've been lucky enough to have a few authors send me copies of their books directly, this is the first. Craig and I used to work together and when I found out that he had just released his first crime novel, I was keen to find out more. It's available on kindle unlimited, and I'm looking forward to reading and reviewing it in the coming weeks.

The Silence by Susan Allott

This book, from William Morrow (an imprint of Harper Collins) looks incredible - '... a powerful debut novel revolving around a shocking disappearance, two neighbouring families, and shameful secrets from the past …' This is due out on 30th April in the UK so check out the link above for more information and pre-order options. I'll let you know my thoughts in a review when I can.

Some I've bought myself …

Wilder Girls by Rory Power

I always tend to enjoy dystopian novels, but with things as they are I'm being more picky on certain themes. This one from Pan Macmillan is a thriller centred around female friendships, set in a school on a remote island from what I've heard. I love the sound of it, though it may be one that I save for a calmer and more certain time.

The Suspects by Katharine Johnson

This is an indie published novel that I was drawn to as it's been described as 'Shallow Grave meets the Secret History'. It follows a group of graduates in the 1980s, where a body is discovered after a party. The cover is eerily eye catching, and I'm keen to find another indie author to follow.

Free to be Tegan by Mary Grand

Another indie author for you, and this book sounds really intriguing - it follows a woman who is cast out from a cult and has to find her own way, traveling to the Welsh mountains. I find it fascinating to read novels based around this premise, especially when I discovered that the author has some personal experience.

Non-Fiction ...

How to Make a Living with Your Writing by Joanna Penn

As you may know, I'm an indie author myself as well as a blogger (check out my book page if you want to know more) and I've followed this author through her Creative Penn YouTube channel and website for a while. I'm making more time for writing during the lockdown so have invested in a few books that I've had on my wish list for some time, and I'm looking forward to delving into this one. The author also has numerous thrillers available under the name JF Penn, which I'm keen to read soon.

Take Off Your Pants by Libbie Hawker

Okay, I'll admit that I partially bought this due to the comedic title. I follow an indie author named Sarra Cannon (a really successful author of mainly paranormal young adult fiction - see my last post for more info) and she had recommended this book for outlining and planning when writing a book. I've not tended to plan much before, but it's something I'm looking more into and I'm hoping this one will be helpful.

Books that were gifted to me ...

On Writing by Stephen King

Now, while we're on the theme of non - fiction, this is a memoir that I've wanted to read for a long time. Part memoir, part tips, this sounds like it details advice on the craft from one of the best-selling writers in the world. Having talked about writing with a wonderful close friend recently, she was kind enough to buy this for me as a birthday gift and I'm so curious to find out more about the life of such a powerful storyteller.

The Furies by Katie Lowe

Here's a gift that came about from my partner calling me from a bookshop (pre lockdown, of course) and asking me which book I'd like. After he sent me a photo of the main display, I spotted this which I'm so excited to finally own. It's got themes of female frienship, witchcraft and is set somewhere called Elm Hollow Academy in the 1990s. Needless to say, I'm thrilled with the present.

Finally, one on loan …

The Potter's House by Rosie Thomas

This is one that is currently out on loan from my mum - it's set mainly on a remote Greek island following an earthquake, with two English women as the main characters as they begin a friendship. I'm only around halfway through so far, but it's pure escapism and a charming, immersive story.

So, there are the books that have been added to my collection recently, and many of them will no doubt be reviewed on here during the coming months. I hope you've seen a few that you want to look into, and I'll let you know my thoughts. In the meantime, stay safe and happy reading :)

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