![Gemma Roman Logo 1[1392].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e06510_a36174265cf54ff8a5dd10d64e2a2e27~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_72,y_330,w_888,h_327/fill/w_434,h_160,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Gemma%20Roman%20Logo%201%5B1392%5D.jpg)

about me ...
I'm Gemma Roman.
I have pretty much always been a bookworm.
I've always loved reading, writing and the creative arts, and also enjoyed dancing which led me to study for a degree in Dance Studies when I was at University. Following graduation, I worked in retail and became interested in the wealth of characters that I came across daily while working in customer service.
I'd had a few ideas rumbling around in my head for a while, and so spent a few years writing my first novel in my spare time.
I finally released 'The Years of Us' in June 2016, and then from August 2019, released my (now completed) novella series 'All At Sea', a coming of age story set in Cornwall.
All of my books are linked on the 'Books' page if you want to have a look.