Review: The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
This book (published by Raven Books) had been on my radar for a while - I heard about it around a year ago and was intrigued, and then I...

New Year, New Books
Okay, so we might be midway through February but welcome to my first book haul of 2019. I'm so excited for all of these, and have...

A Book I Wanted to Live In
I love books about books, and I love stories set in remote, coastal locations, so a memoir about a woman who decided to move to stay in a...

My First 5* Book of 2019
I'll be honest and admit that I've had this book on my shelf for a while … It had been a cover buy during a trip to the supermarket maybe...

My Top 10 Books of 2018
As we say goodbye to 2018, I wanted to share with you my favourite reads of the past year. An honourable mention needs to go first to...